Here you can get a preview of the config files.
Config = {}
Config.locale = Locales["en"] -- en | es | fr | de | it | pt | ru| zh
Config.invoicePrefix = "NASS-"
Config.defaultAccount = "bank" --Which account should paid invoices go to
Config.autoPay = {
enabled = true,
allowNegative = false,
interval = 7, -- How many days until the invoice is automatically paid
} = {
enabled = true,
interval = 7, -- How many days should the finance move the due date by? This is for autopay above
minimumPercentage = 25, --What is the minimum percent of the original amount that needs to be payed off each time
Config.command = {
name = "billing",
keybinding = {
enabled = true,
description = "Open Billing Menu",
key = "F7",
Config.discordLogs = true --Set the webhook at the top of the server/unlocked.lua file
Config.signatures = {
-- Signature storage method
-- Options "fivemerr" || "base64"
-- Highly recommended to use fivemerr, base64 can cause lag
-- If you are using fivemerr you must set your apikey at the top of the server/unlocked.lua file
method = "fivemerr"
Config.acceptInvoice = { --Allow players to accept and deny invoices sent to them.
business = false,
personal = true,
timeout = 10, --How many seconds until the invoice is automatically denied
controls = { --
deny = {194, "INPUT_FRONTEND_RRIGHT"}, --Backspace
accept = {215, "INPUT_FRONTEND_ENDSCREEN_ACCEPT"}, -- Enter
Config.allowedJobs = {
--Which jobs are allowed to send business invoices
--Which grade is allowed to access the invoices dashboard
["police"] = {grade = 3},
["ambulance"] = {grade = 3},
-- Simple
-- Minimal
-- Modern
Config.defaultTemplate = "Minimal"
Last updated