The initial release of the files
All files updated
Specific Files
Fixed a typo that would cause the menu to not open for some players
Fixed a typo that would cause errors to pop up when promoting players
Added ox_inventory support
client/unlocked.lua server/unlocked.lua server/framework/esx.lua server/framework/qb.lua server/framework/qb_gangs.lua
Added support for new qb-banking method
config.lua server/framework/qb.lua server/framework/qb_gangs.lua
Fix for an issue where you could still press enter and bypass permissions for bonus, withdraw, and deposit boxes
html/script.js fxmanifest.lua
This is a BETA update. Use at your own risk
Added grade checks for gang menus
Added version check
Added muiltijob support
Added support for multiple banking scripts
Addded Qbox support
Cleaned up fxmanifest and starting order
Last updated 2 months ago