Here you can get a preview of the config files.
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Config = {}
Config.locale = Locales["en"] -- en | es | fr | de | it | pt | ru| zh
Config.allowSavedConfigs = true
Config.neons = {
command = false,
commandName = "neons",
item = true,
itemName = "neons"
Config.needInstall = true -- Should neons be installed, if false then all cars can use neons without installing it
Config.installNeon = {
command = false,
commandName = "installneons",
item = true,
itemName = "neonkit",
installTime = 3000, -- how long it should take to install per corner
drawDistance = 4.0,
interactDistance = 1.5,
Config.mechanicOnly = {
neonMenu = true, -- Can anyone access the neons menu or only mechanics | true = mechanic only
installNeons = true, -- Can anyone install neons or only mechanics | true = mechanic only
jobs = {-- List of jobs allowed
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