Here you can get a preview of the config files.
Config = {}
Config.Locale = Locales["en"] -- Supports en | es as of now
Config.maxTransactionDisplay = 25 --How many previous transactions should be shown
Config.useTarget = true -- true = qtarget/qbtarget/ox_target | false = Help Text
Config.maxSalary = 50000 -- Max Salary the boss can set for a job grade
Config.defaultAccount = "money"
Config.multiJob = false --Currently supports ps-multijob, if you want a script officially support please open a ticket in our discord
Config.bossMenus = {
jobName = "police",
grades = 3,
coords = vector3(446.8684, -975.4070, 31.1128),
defaultPermissions = {
overview = {
deposit = true,
withdraw = true,
stash = true,
wardrobe = true,
employeeManagement = {
giveBonus = true,
promote = true,
fire = true,
hire = true,
manageSalary = true,
editPermissions = true,
jobName = "mechanic",
grades = 4,
coords = vector3(-347.4184, -133.3307, 39.0097),
defaultPermissions = {
overview = {
deposit = true,
withdraw = true,
stash = true,
wardrobe = true,
employeeManagement = {
giveBonus = true,
promote = true,
fire = true,
hire = true,
manageSalary = true,
editPermissions = true,
dirtyMoney = { --Simple money wash system for players who want to retain that function
enabled = true,
tax = {
percentage = 30, -- 30% will be taken from the money being washed.
soceity = "", --The tax percentage taken away from the player will go to a society fund. If you do not want it to go anywhere just do ""
timeDelay = 5, --(Minutes) How long should a player wait before getting the money in the society funds. If the server restarts the money will automatically be washed.
Config.gangMenus = {
gangName = "lostmc",
grades = 3,
coords = vector3(977.15, -104.1, 74.85),
defaultPermissions = {
overview = {
deposit = true,
withdraw = true,
stash = true,
wardrobe = true,
employeeManagement = {
giveBonus = true,
promote = true,
fire = true,
hire = true,
manageSalary = true,
editPermissions = true,
dirtyMoney = { --Simple money wash system for players who want to retain that function
enabled = true,
tax = {
percentage = 30, -- 30% will be taken from the money being washed.
soceity = "police", --The tax percentage taken away from the player will go to a society fund. If you do not want it to go anywhere just do ""
timeDelay = 5, --(Minutes) How long should a player wait before getting the money in the society funds. If the server restarts the money will automatically be washed.
--Default perms if using a different script to open menu, editPermissions will NOT work from other scripts.
Config.defaultPermissions = {
overview = {
deposit = true,
withdraw = true,
stash = true,
wardrobe = true,
employeeManagement = {
giveBonus = true,
promote = true,
fire = true,
hire = true,
manageSalary = true,
editPermissions = false,
Config.oldQBMangement = false --Use this if you are using the old qb-management and not qb-banking
Last updated