Here you can get a preview of the config files.
Config = {}
Config.locale = Locales["en"] -- en | es | fr | de | it | pt | ru| zh = true
Config.outsidePlayback = true --Should music be heard outside the car?
Config.soundFilter = true --Add a filter to the music player if the players are in a different room (Works with cars)
Config.miniPlayer = true --Should a miniplayer come up for players in a car playing music
Config.miniPlayerLocation = "bottomRight" -- pick between "topLeft" | "topRight" | "bottomLeft" | "bottomRight" | "topMiddle"
Config.command = "music"
Config.keybind = "O" --Default button to open the music player in a car
Config.onlyDriver = false -- Only the driver can open music player
Config.doorOpenMultiplier = 1.5 --How many times louder should the volume get when a vehicle door is open 1.0 will disable this
Config.disableVehicleRadio = true --Disables ingame gta radio while the musicplayer is playing music.
Config.streamerMode = { --This allows players to toggle off the sound from the script so that they arent hit with DMCA while streaming
enabled = true,
command = "streamermode",
Config.defaultPlayers = {
position = vec3(433.4092, -980.6387, 30.7098),
url = '',
volume = 100, --100 is the max volume
timestamp = 0,
diffRoomVolume = 0.25,--Don't touch if you do not know
loop = false,
range = 45,
job = {--Just put your job name here to lock the player to a specific job.
["police"] = 3,
position = vec3(200.0661, -932.3380, 30.6839),
url = '',
volume = 100, --100 is the max volume
timestamp = 0,
diffRoomVolume = 0.25,--Don't touch if you do not know
loop = false,
range = 70,
--job = {}, --Just put your job name here to lock the player to a specific job.
Config.install = {
enabled = false, --Require an item to be installed onto the vehicle to access the music player
name = "car_radio", --Install item name
job = {--Just put your job name here to lock the install to a specific job. Remove everything if you would want anyone to install the radio.
["mechanic"] = 2,
anim = {
enabled = true,
dict = "veh@std@ds@base",
anim = "hotwire",
Config.item = {
enabled = false, --Require an item on the the player to access the music player
name = "car_radio",
usableItem = true,
Config.onlyPlacerControls = false -- Only the person who places the speaker can control it
Config.speakers = {
["smallspeaker"] = {
model = `nass_smallspeaker`,
command = true, --Access speaker via command
usableItem = false, --Access speaker via item QBCore/ESX Only
volume = 100, --Default speaker volume
diffRoomVolume = 0.25,--Don't touch if you do not know
range = 15, --Range of the speaker
posOffset = vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0), --Add an offset to the position of the spawned model
rotOffset = -90, --Add an offset to the rotation of the spawned model
anim = {
enabled = true,
dict = "pickup_object",
anim = "pickup_low",
moveable = true,
["mediumspeaker"] = {
model = `nass_mediumspeaker`,
command = true, --Access speaker via command
usableItem = false, --Access speaker via item QBCore/ESX Only
volume = 100, --Default speaker volume
diffRoomVolume = 0.25,--Don't touch if you do not know
range = 50, --Range of the speaker
posOffset = vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0), --Add an offset to the position of the spawned model
rotOffset = -90, --Add an offset to the rotation of the spawned model
anim = {
enabled = true,
dict = "pickup_object",
anim = "pickup_low",
moveable = false,
["largespeaker"] = {
model = `nass_largespeaker`,
command = true, --Access speaker via command
usableItem = false, --Access speaker via item QBCore/ESX Only
volume = 100, --Default speaker volume
diffRoomVolume = 0.25,--Don't touch if you do not know
range = 100, --Range of the speaker
posOffset = vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0), --Add an offset to the position of the spawned model
rotOffset = 90, --Add an offset to the rotation of the spawned model
anim = {
enabled = true,
dict = "pickup_object",
anim = "pickup_low",
moveable = false,
--Allowed Vehicle Classes
Config.allowedClasses = {
[0] = true, --Compacts
[1] = true, --Sedans
[2] = true, --SUVs
[3] = true, --Coupes
[4] = true, --Muscle
[5] = true, --Sports Classics
[6] = true, --Sports
[7] = true, --Super
[8] = true, --Motorcycles
[9] = true, --Off-road
[10] = true, --Industrial
[11] = true, --Utility
[12] = true, --Vans
[13] = true, --Cycles
[14] = true, --Boats
[15] = true, --Helicopters
[16] = true, --Planes
[17] = true, --Service
[18] = true, --Emergency
[19] = true, --Military
[20] = true, --Commercial
[21] = true, --Trains
[22] = true, --Open Wheel
Config.specifyVehiclesType = "none" -- "none" | "blacklist" | "whitelist"
Config.specifyVehicles = {
--[`vehicle_name`] = true,
--[`zentorno`] = true,
Config.defaultSettings = {
volume = 100,
diffRoomVolume = 0.25,
range = 10,
if not Config.outsidePlayback then
Config.defaultSettings = {
volume = Config.defaultSettings.volume,
filter = Config.defaultSettings.filter,
diffRoomVolume = 0,
range = 2,
--Blacklist any links you don't want on your server.
Config.blacklistedLinks = {
[""] = true,
Last updated