Here you can get a preview of the config files.
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-- Be sure to set the discord webhook in the server/unlocked.lua
Config = {}
Config.locale = Locales["en"] -- en | es | fr | de | it | pt | ru| zh
Config.MPH = true -- if false it will use KMH = {-- Supports "ox_target" | "qtarget" | "qb-target" natively
enabled = true, --Setting to false will use normal helptext prompt
size = {x=3.0,y=3.0,z=3.0},
distance = 3,
icon = "fa-solid fa-car",
label = Config.locale["target_label"],
Config.leaderboardPopUpDistance = 2.0
Config.maxRecordedTimes = 50 -- Script will only have top 50 times,
Config.dragSlipDisplayTime = 15 -- Seconds
Config.displayBoardTime = 10 -- Seconds
Config.stripRenderDistance = 100
Config.challengeWaitTime = 10 --Seconds | Time from when a player challenges another that it becomes automatically canceled
Config.betting = {
enabled = true, --Set to false to disable wagers
account = "cash" -- Cash or bank
Config.distances = {
{label = "Eighth-Mile", value = 660},
{label = "Quarter-Mile", value = 1320},
{label = "Half-Mile", value = 2640},
{label = "Full-Mile", value = 5280},
Config.controls = {
challenge = {name = "INPUT_PICKUP", control = 51}, --E
solo = {name = "INPUT_THROW_GRENADE", control = 58},--G
challengeWager = {name = "INPUT_REPLAY_SCREENSHOT", control = 303},--U
Config.deafultBlipSettings = {
enabled = true,
sprite = 309,
color = 0,
scale = 0.65,
shortRange = true,
Config.timeBoardProp = `prop_billboard_14`
Config.setupCar = `adder`
Config.dragTrees = { --If you want to edit this then you need to add to the client/unlocked.lua file.
--I do not recommend doing this, if you do, NO SUPPORT WILL BE GIVEN. Please do not open a ticket about this. If you do it will be closed
{label = "nass_dragtree_pro", value = "nass_dragtree_pro"},
{label = "nass_dragtree", value = "nass_dragtree"},
Config.stageDistance = 4
Last updated