
Client Side

exports["nass_notifications"]:ShowNotification(type, title, message, length)

Server Side

TriggerClientEvent('nass_notifications:ShowNotification', source, type, title, msg, length)


  • alert

  • checkmark

  • error

  • warning

  • sms

Title - The title of the notification

Message - Message of the notification

Length - The length that the notification is shown in milliseconds


["nass_notifications"]:ShowNotification("alert", "Alert", "This is the test of the Alert notification", 10000)
["nass_notifications"]:ShowNotification("checkmark", "Great Work!", "This is the test of the check notifications", 5000)
["nass_notifications"]:ShowNotification("error", "Error", "You don\'t have enough money!", 5000)
["nass_notifications"]:ShowNotification("warning", "Warning", "This is the test of the Warning notification", 10000)
["nass_notifications"]:ShowNotification("message", "SMS", "This is the test of the message notification", 10000)

Last updated